A Four Photo Mini Portfolio

Have you ever thought that you had some pics that just seemed to go together?

Ever wondered if there was a completion you could enter them?

If you are a member of CAPA (Canadian Association for Photographic Art), you can enter this annual competition.

This was my first year to enter and wasn’t sure what to submit - I have a lot of photos!!

I eventually decided to choose a topic that might be of interest to others - an abandoned diamond mine in Namibia. You may have seen the abandoned buildings with sand halfway up doors or filling a room.

I had recently purchased a print by Freeman Patterson from this location and it was the impetus to go there - I wanted to find the same doorway and photograph it! Little did I realize there were a lot of doorways similar to mine!! A member of the group though knew exactly which doorway it was so that helped otherwise I would have been overwhelmed.

Through the Doorway

Through the Doorway

There is a ghost town (formerly a diamond mine) in Namibia and was lucky enough to travel there in 2018 with Denise Ippolito. It is on my list to go back and spend even more time there.

Window Light

Window Light

I entered these photos as a 'Four Photo" portfolio in the CAPA (Canadian Association for Photographic Art) challenge and wasn't too sure how they would have been received. Um, dark and light and not quite the normal shots from there

Very pleased with the marks received and ended up on the second page (of four pages, single spaced lines of results) listing the standings - winning images received 25.1 and these received 23.4 - - just like the Olympics, only a few points separating the winners (and losers - me!) Yes, over thirty people were ahead of me!

Into the Light

Into the Light

Why do I enter competitions? Well, mainly about me - (you were thinking something else?) - gives me something to do, makes a more intentioned purpose to my photography, and I'm at the point where I shoot what I like and just pleased if it is recognized (or not).

Abandoned Light

Abandoned Light

It really is about the journey.

This completion of a four photo mini portfolio is an annual competition so maybe it is time for you to check out the winning images and see what you might have.

You may be surprised what will make a great portfolio and local images do well in the completion.

Here is the link to the winning images from 2020.

https://capacanada.ca/competition-winners-2020-series-of-four-photos-individual-serie-de-quatre-photos/ or the shortened link https://bit.ly/3pOud5o

Laurie ThomsonComment